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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Thai basil chicken with fried egg, mince chicken porridge

Meals served: 145

Many also queued up in front of the chapel to collect meals. Aland and Sunee always warmly welcomes the people who come all the way to pick up foods. We are also very grateful that all come with their own carrier bags now. This is a big win for the environment.

Today, a batch of meals were sent to a nearby Burmese village. We are very happy to provide their families and their children with a hot meal!

I am sure many of you have seen in the news the rising hunger issues, both in Phuket and across Thailand. Just today, Thaiger highlighted that several businesses came together to provide Life Bags for the food starved. You may see the article here . In Pattaya, another tourism-dependent town, news of several tour guides committing suicide due to lack of work and inability to feed their families is coming to light. This makes clear one thing, that there is no food safety net for many people here, that the government has not done enough to help. And while there are a number of grassroots programs all raising funds to help their communities, that need is very real. There really isn't work for people that want work, and so, even figuring out how to pay rent or buy groceries to feed their families is something many struggle with.

All we can do is provide them with 1 daily hot meal. It is very simple, and it costs us $1 for each meal packet. And for so many of them that don't have a meal, so many of us are lucky enough to have enough in the bank. So please do not be shy and donate a little here.

Have questions about our program? Please reach out. Contact us here.

For more photos, click here.

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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Tom yum chicken, minced chicken porridge

Meals served: 146

Today we had spicy tom yum and rice porridge.

Meals were distributed at the chapel as well as to the nearby villages.

For more photos, click here.

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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Thai Glass noodles, chicken porridge

Meals served: 163

For the past 2 days, we have had volunteers coming in to help prep and pack the food for distribution. This provides chef Sunee great relief as she can focus on cooking up delicious meals. We also delivered meals to nearby villages.

It's always a great feeling to know that the food distributed ends up filling the tummies of families and children.

We also need to remember to thank our volunteers for giving their time and charity. Every bit helps. Having consistent help means that Sunee can focus on making more meals to give out.

And of course, for us to make more meals, means we do have to ensure steady funding, so please click here to donate.

For more photos, click here.

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