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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Thai basil chicken rice, chicken soup and chocolate/ vanilla biscuits

Meals served: 150

Today, we served Sunee's lovely basil leaf mince chicken with rice. Packs of chicken soup were also whipped up for a lighter meal choice. Biscuits were offered to the kids. We delivered a small lot of meals to a nearby village.

We also start reporting on our fund raise progress, spend and outcome stats on the performance tab. We believe in full transparency and want to assure our donors that we have not wasted their kind donations and monies have been put into FULL ACTION!

For more photos, please click here.

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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Chicken rice with soup and glutinous rice dessert

Meals served: 175 (17% overachieved)

This is the height of the rainy season and we had expected not many to show up for the food packs, but many did! We also managed to pack record number of food packs yesterday, thanks to the hard work from Chef Sunee, her family and our volunteers that helped. It was very frantic indeed and lines starting forming around 4.45pm.

We also sent portions to the Burmese settlement nearby.

We are also adding in the Performance Stats page, so that donors and interested folks can check out our progress and our financial spend. We have managed to raise 50% of our financial requirements, so thank you all that helped. Your donations are truly appreciated and many families are extremely grateful for the hot meal you have sent their way.

There is more work to be done, the next 50% of funding will be tough, but together we can make it :)

For more photos, click here.

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  • Writer's picturePauline Chong

Menu: Chicken rice porridge

Meals served: 150

It has been raining heavily in Phuket. To complement the windy cold, Sunee has made chicken porridge, which was much appreciated by all. Many lined up in raincoats to collect the food.

Overall, progress has been positive. We are distributing our meals steadily and more are turning up as they know we are able to provide food packs daily. This is exactly what we need to keep doing.

One of the challenges with many food relief programs here on the island (and everywhere else) is that they often need to happen overnight, the food bags are required immediately, else there is a disaster. This reactive giving makes for massive challenges in galvanizing people, resources and money, so any program will never achieve full potential. We want to avoid the lumpiness in our food distribution program, hence we believe it necessary to recognize that the food insecurity issues will continue through this year and we need to fund for it.

So please help in any way you would like. We appreciate volunteer resources to help pack food, we appreciate direct donations, or simply donate through our link on the site. Also, feel free to contact us should you have queries about the Hot meals project or wish to volunteer.

For more photos, please click here.

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